Every system panel is faithfully
reproduced and accessible through the
Panel Navigator. All switches, controls
and indicators are interactive and
function just as they do in the airplane.
Developed by an Airline Captain with
20 years of experience on the Boeing
737 300/500/700/800/900 who
knows what you need to know to
Click the switch, light or gauge and its
function is fully explained. Additional
in-depth information is also readily available
by tapping the button.
Click the button and study the system flash cards.
Click the L! button for system limitations.
The Systems General Review module
presents clear and understandable system
schematics and explanations. Interactive
schematics show the result of a failed
generator or hydraulic system.
Pictorial representation of all major
systems via accurate interactive panel
Essential information at a glance
accompanied by in depth systems
Essential information is repeated as
you proceed through the program.
Review or in depth study without
wasting time searching through
Over 1000 Questions and Answers as
may be asked on a B737 Type Rating
FAA Oral.
Review all system flash cards in the
Q and A module. Over 1000 questions
and answers will help you thoroughly
learn every system.
Over 500 questions in the multiple
choice "Knowledge Exercises".
Ready to test your knowledge? Take a
multiple choice Knowledge Exercise on
each of the systems. iB737NG allows
you to flip between modules if you
need a little help. Questions and
answers are shuffled each time you
take the exercise.
2009-2025 B737NG Systems Review